Urea for Hyponatremia SIADH

 Urea’s Greatness in SIADH Hyponatremia.

Urea with an atomic mass of ~60 g/mol is a wonderful medication to help rid the body of excess water, and thus improve serum sodium levels.  Typically in SIADH the urine osm, or solute (solute=stuff besides water) is fixed around 500 osm/L. This is terribly ineffective at excreting water, and thus over days the body’s sodium becomes diluted.  Fluid restriction alone is almost never enough.  Salt pills taste terrible and cause edema and elevated blood pressure.  Tolvaptan works ok but at a cost of $300/dose and a 5% risk of liver toxicity, this is less then ideal.  Therefore the best way to treat SIADH is Urea.  A typical starting dose of 30 grams/day (in 2 divided doses) offers up the kidney 500 osm of solute ready to excrete that excess water.  This will raise the sodium back up by causing an osmotic aquaresis. It would take nearly 25 salt tablets a day to achieve this!  UreaAide, a novel American formulation made by KidneyAide.com is the obvious choice.  UreaAide tastes great and costs less then the competition.  Invented by a board certified nephrologist UreaAide uses only premium USP grade Urea.  UreaAide is made in the USA in a certified GMP facility that is FDA registered.  Check out UreaAide at https://www.kidneyaide.com


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